Sunday, January 6, 2008

Getting your new goldfish

When you get your new goldfish be sure the species of the goldfish you get is right for you.
There are several diffrent species of goldfish, here they are:
Common Goldish, Koi, Bubble eyed goldfish, black moors, shubunkins, telescope eye, lionhead, comet, fantail or double tail, Veil tail, Ryukin and the Pearlscale. There are facts and care information about every fish there! :)
Here are some new pointers for beginner goldfish keepers.
-So your tank is not over crouded the number of total inches your goldfish are together is
how many gallons o water you need. EX>A fish is 5 inches and another is 4 inches, so you
would need at least 9 gallons of water. (Bottom feeders and alge eaters don't count)
-Do weekly 50-75% water changes to get out any stuff the filter can't
-Make sure the PH level of the water is good or the fish. (Goldfish prefer a higher PH level)
-Make sure the water is not too hot or too gold
-When you get a new goldfish put your fish on Pimafix and Melafix medication for 3 days

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