Monday, January 7, 2008

Common Goldfish

The common goldfish is probably the most popular fish people get because there so hardy,really cheap (like $2 tax included), they look so nice in a tank, the bright gold really gives your tank so much life. Although it's a very bad thing to do they are commonly kept in bowls because they adapt to the size of the tank. in a bowl they will only grow 3 inches, but in a pond they can grow 15-17 inches. If you put a goldfish in total darkness for a week it will turn silver, so you can change his colour every now and then. Here are some goldfish keeping facts-
-Keep them in a 10 gallon tank minimum with at least 2 other fish with him
-A total slob and prone to gill fluke
-Like lots of hiding spaces so he won't get stressed out
Any more questions please contact me at

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