Monday, January 14, 2008

Telescope Eye

The Telescope eye goldfish is just like a black moor only they grow a little bit bigger and they don't stay black all there life. The telescope eye goldfish should be kept with other goldfish
with eye problems like the black moor, lionhead, red capped oranda or the bubble eye goldfish.
Don't keep these guys with single tailed and the Ryukin especially because the Ryukin is so aggressive he might suck the telescope eyed goldfish's eye right out of his head! I do not
recommend this goldfish for beginners because of it's visual difficulties. Although if cared for
properly it can be the most unique goldfish in your whole tank. When you get fake plants for
your telescope eye get the silk ones because the plastic plants can yank the eye out of there head and same thing with coarse gravel. The telescope eye grows 8 inches but like many goldfish will adapt to your tank size but prefer to be kept in a tank no smaller than 10 gallons.
Here are some telescope eye care facts-
-Never keep with single tail or the Ryukin goldfish because this can lead to fatal fights
-Only keep the telescope eye goldfish with other fish with eye problems (listed above)
-When you put fake plants in with these fish use silk plants instead of plastic plants because the
telescope eyed goldfish might get his eye caught on the plastic plants and will yank the
fish's eye right out of it's socket, this can lead to pain, suffering and even fatal infection to the fish
-These fish can adapt to the tank size but do best in a 10 gallon tank or bigger.
Any more questions on this please email me at

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