Saturday, January 12, 2008


The Ryukin Goldfish is a tropical water looking fish but is indeed coldwater. The Ryukin is a species of fantail and has a lump around it's shoulder area giving it that tropical fish looking effect. These guys really brighten up any tank They have a wider back and a bigger caudal
fin than standard fantails. Like lots of other goldfish these guys are really hardy and can
live in temperatures close to freezing, so there perfect for outdoor ponds. There dorsal fin
is often twice the size of there body The Ryukin also can be quite aggressive, so I do not
recommend him for beginner goldfish keepers. The Ryukin will only attack another one
of there kind during spawning period but a lot of these guys put together will be fine.
Because of his unique body shape the Ryukin will often get constipated and he will float
belly up to the surface. This may be confused with swim bladder disease but for the Ryukin it's
most likely constipated. To cure him only feed him shelled green peas once every 2 days,
this acts as a laxative to the fish. Although there aggressive if cared for good they can be the most attractive fish in your tank! Here are some care facts:
-Don't keep the Ryukin with other fish because this can cause fighting, only keep him with
his own kind
-Don't get constipation mixed up with swim bladder disease. (The treatment to cure this is listed above)
-His tail should be twice the size of his body
-He shoulder have a lump behind his head, very big shoulders and a wide back
-The Ryukin can grow around 8 inches
Any more questions please contact me at


Anonymous said...

Great blog post on the Ryukin Goldfish!

They do look amazing in aquariums. I like these ones more then the fantail goldfish just due to its uniqueness.

Great tip on feeding goldfish peas for constipation. Many people often don't know what to do but peas really help goldfish a lot.

Great blog and keep up the great work!


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, need work on your writing though. May I suggest a spell checker before posting?

Anonymous said...

I have two Ryukins that I've owned for a little over 4 years. One of them is much larger than the other and has either had severe contipation or swim bladder for the past 11 months. I keep trying to keep the tank clean, feed them peas, and I even bought a brand new filter, but nothing seems to make him swim correctly. The smaller of the two has been perfectly fine until today. All day he's been sitting on the floor of the tank in the corner barely moving. I've noticed that their eyes have a cloudy film, and the ends of their fins are outlined with white, which was not present prior to today. I have no idea what to do at this point. Do you have any suggestions or clues as to what their problem may be? BTW they are in a 20 gallon tank with gravel and three artificial plants, Tetra filter, and the water is currently at 69 degrees. Please help. Thanks!!!